Tag Archives: Freeview lessons

Five Alternatives to Fifty Shades …

Are you off on holiday soon?

Not sure which books to take?

For me the summer holidays used to be a time for a good book and a chance to create space in which to come back refreshed with new ideas. Now I have two small children, that just doesn’t happen!

Anyway, here’s a short video of five books (I only have three of them on paper) for you to pack into your suitcase or put on to your iPad/Kindle etc. for the summer.


Getting (and Keeping) Gigs!

We all love to perform. Just last Sunday I had the pleasure of playing with the Tribe of Judah Gospel Choir in London.

My family came down for the service, which was held in a 3000-seater conference centre. My 1-year-old son loved listening to the music, but the highlight of the event (for me) was when he got on stage after most people had gone and I was jamming with the musicians – he just wanted to dance to the music, he just wanted to show people how inspired he was by the music. He wanted to perform something.

As adults (or teens) we can also want to get to that point where we get the chance to perform more often. Here’s some solid advice I’ve picked up after 15 years of playing – from musicians such as Branford Marsalis, Chris Potter, Eric Alexander, Eric Revis, Jeff ‘Tain’ Watts, Harry Connick Jnr, Courtney Pine and many, many more.