Play the Careless Whisper Sax Solo

The sax solo to George Michael’s Careless Whisper is one of the most recognisable and famous saxophone solos in Popular Music.

In this lesson I wanted to show you how to play it and how it’s impossible to mimic the recording in a live situation!


Careless Whisper

The original saxophonist on the recording was Steve Gregory. I have had the pleasure of playing with and studying with Steve when I lived in London and he shared the story with me of how he became ‘THE’ guy on this recording.


Dan Forshaw

I'm passionate about creating inspirational experiences through music and other arts. A life changing experience under the influence of the music of John Coltrane lead to study in New York and London. My thesis was on the Theology of John Coltrane as expressed through A Love Supreme. I perform across Europe with various jazz groups and teach through my innovative website, I'm a total Apple Geek, Cricket, Rugby, F1 and Football fan and I'm learning to listen opinions before giving my own!