Search Results for: Practice

Dan’s 21 Days of Practice …

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] I’ve set my students a target of #21daystoimprove: practise the saxophone for 21 days and record a short clip of it. I’m someone who always tries to practise what I preach: here are my 1-minute videos. In each of them I’ve tried to give a short explanation of what I’m doing. Obviously this will only be completed once […]

Festive Practice Tips for the Saxophone

Christmas is coming … And you can’t have escaped all the music, mulled wine and carol singing. Well, if you want to keep the carol singers away the best thing to do is to make sure you keep on practising, because if you’re deep ‘in the zone’ you won’t even hear the doorbell ring! I find that […]

Scrapple from the Apple Transcription – Lesson 3

In this lesson, we are dealing with clip 5 which marks the end of the ‘bridge’ section of Scrapple from the Apple. As I have explained before, with Scrapple from the Apple, the bridge section is always improvised by the musician, the ‘head’ being the ‘A’ section is only what one has to play as per Charlie Parker’s composition…

Finger Busters Ebook

So many ‘mistakes’ by aspiring saxophonists come from poor fingering technique, we just can’t get our fingers in the right place at the right time! These ten exercises are building on my second ebook, Nail Your Scales which is available from the Cambridge Saxophone website. ALL of these exercises need to be practiced with a […]

Autumn Leaves in all 12 Keys

The Jazz Standard ‘Autumn Leaves’ was composed by Hungarian composer Joseph Kosma in 1946. Kosma was a native of Hungary who was introduced to Prévert in Paris. They collaborated on the song Les Feuilles mortes (“The Dead Leaves”) for the 1946 film Les Portes de la nuit (Gates of the Night) where it was sung […]